It's (currently) possible to use a "Personal Queue" to display a list of tickets that match specific criteria. Personal Queues also allow you specify "Custom Columns"--pick & choose the columns that you want to display.

However when "adding a column" I am unable to select fields that exist within a "Custom Form". I understand that every ticket in the OSticket DB is not guaranteed to have a value assigned for the value(s), used in my custom form.

Has anyone found a way to include "Custom Columns" that contain fields used within Custom Forms?

I was able to "add a new Queue" which gives me the ability to customize the columns. (I can include fields that exist within my custom form.)

However the "agents" are the only individuals able to view/select a (custom) queue. I would like to provide my clients (aka Registered Users) with access to this custom view. Is this possible?

Users do not have the ability to access custom queues at this time. And even if they could, they would still only see their tickets (and possibly if they were allowed to see the tickets of their organization those).

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