Image Icon not show on live It throw error on console with 403 forbidden error .In css Backround url property not work a.departments {
background: url(../images/icons/list_departments.gif);

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Environment details?
Version of osTicket?
Not sure what you are trying to relay.

osTicket Version-v1.14.1
MySQL Version-5.6.41
PHP Version-7.0.33

It is generally a great idea to provide detailed instructions on what you did so that we can attempt to replicate the error, and/or include screen shots or mock ups of your issue.

Please always revert back to the English Language set (default) and see if you are still experiencing the same issue.

Also it will assist those you are requesting help from if you can include any of the following when it is pertinent:

PHP Error log entries or displayed errors. (you of course may remove any identifying information)
Mail Sending: phpMail functions or SMTP
Mail Fetching/Receiving: IMAP or POP and Server version
PHP version
Operating System
Client or Staff side of the UI
the location - the url or what your clicking on that is causing the problem.
screen shots or mock ups showing what you are talking about

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