
in the past I use osticket but now my request is changed. I would like to know if Osticket can do:

  • multi product knowledge base
  • add tawk.to chat
  • easy way to integrate with api
  • create a custom form
  • user can login with facebook, twitter and instagram
  • receive payment
  • payment for ticket

    than you so much for all person who reply

There is a knowledge base. You can add any categories (for products) that you want.

No idea what tawkto chat is.

osTicket's API is limited to opening tickets and tasks.

You can create custom forms in osTicket and link them to help Topics.

No you cannot log in with Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. You could possibly write an authentication plugin to use their API for authentication, but to my knowledge no one else has done this yet.

OsTicket does not have payment processing capability. Nor do I think it ever will. You would be better off using a payment processing software or saas for such a thing.

  • Helo replied to this.
    2 years later
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