Hey guys, As of about 5 days ago I started getting the Email loop detected issue and it has been absolutely frustrating me... The cause of the problem was because I had accidentally added our main support email to a all users group. Which obviously created a ticket when a user sent an email out to everyone.. I have since resolved this however OSTicket is still flooding me with those messages... I don't see any reason as to why I am still getting these... Or is this email now blacklisted in the OSTicket DB?

I wonder if there is a session still active that is trying to fire off an email to the all users group...

That or you have another email on a list that would result in a loop.

I did go through and delete the list completely... So it's not that and I can't see any tickets that refer to either system email I have configured in OSTicket... Still getting the odd message....


In your System Logs you should be able to see a Log entry with a title of Email loop detected and a message like It appears as though XXX is being used as a forwarded or fetched email account and is also being used as a user / system account. Please correct the loop or seek technical assistance. where XXX should be the email causing the issues. Check this email's inbox as well as search all of your current, active fetching mailboxes for emails from this address.


KevinTheJedi I have my support email set up for both fetching via IMAP and sending via SMTP
I also have a noreply that is just used for SMTP and a bans email that is just used for IMAP


I would search both mailboxes that you are fetching from and search for both system addresses in the inbox. If any emails contain any of the system emails then this is your issue. I'd also look to see if maybe the admin email or an agent email is set to a system email as this will cause the same loop.


@KevinTheJedi as a side note, I have never seen the email in that error message. But I also haven't gotten one of those messages in years.

Ah ok.. I think I might have found the email it's complaining about... Lets see if the error disappears.

So... No luck... Scoured both my noreply and support emails and removed any that would possibly be causing a problem and no luck... Still getting the problem... @KevinTheJedi

On a side note, I've tried to delete the ticket that referred to the initial all users group but can't... Even though I am logged in with the main user.

It looked as though the ticket was bugged... Have carefully deleted it in the SQL...

Looks as though there's some references in the thread tables to a user (all users group email) More cleanup required...

Manual cleanup complete.. Looks good so far.

Also I am bad and missed a mailbox that OSTicket pulls from... I need more sleep.

Here's the funny part... I only remembered the third mailbox once I did the DB cleanup. After which OSTicket created two tickets from emails in that mailbox.

KevinTheJedi changed the title to [Resolved] Infamous Email loop detected issue - Extremely frustrating.
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