I want to add already existing customers to a specific group (e.g. I'm in osTicket/scp/orgs.php?id=2) - so I clicked the import button and filled two lines as a test
name, email
customer 1, email1@tld.com
customer 2, email2@tld.com

This works - these two clients/customers are added to the group but there is no check if this imported customer are already there in the db, is it? When I do this import again I have two exactly same clients/customers there with the same email adress 😒

email addresses are unique per user.
You cannot have two users with the same email address.

Ok, I think my fault was that I had a blank after the comma before the email adress (, email@tld.com instead of ,email@tld.com) - this would explain why I had two "same" users after the import?!

I've tested the import now with no blank space after the comma (customer 1,email1@tld.com) but now nothing happens - no error but the user is also not in the org group after the import. hmmm

edit: with " email1@tld.com" the import works - a new user is created with the email adress with a blank space in front. Should it be possible to import/add an email in the database which starts with a blank space " "?! ❓️ (because in the frontend this starting blank space is not visible anyway but in the db there is this beginning space in front of the email adress)

    The Importing users [not sure if thats what you are doing] updates existing users with new information.

    So if I an existing User of

    jdoe@domain.tld,Jane Doe,1012023434X1111,test

    and import

    jdoe@domain.tld,John Doe,90980876476X9999,test

    Jane Doe will no longer exist, and will become John Doe. Their phone and extension will also be updated.

    heart1010 Should it be possible to import/add an email in the database which starts with a blank space

    Probably not.

    Is it possible to have a "customer group column" when importing which I fill with the specific id so the users are linked to that customer group?


    jdoe@domain.tld,John Doe,90980876476X9999,test,2
    paul@domain.tld,Paul Foo,57845458545X9999,test,2

    You should be able to make any custom field that you want, and import data into that field.

    But that wouldn't cause that data to do anything in osTicket except have data in that field.

      ntozier You should be able to make any custom field that you want, and import data into that field.

      I don't want to import an extra custom field for the users but I want to mass link existing users to an existing organisation and what I have realized so far this is not possible with the import feature?

      I do not believe that this is a feature is osTicket at this time.

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