Pretty straightforward question, is it possible to do the following?
Only have 2 Help Topics. Upon selecting one, the user is taken to a custom form where only a single dropdown is visible. Changing the value of this dropdown shows/hides other forms allowing the user to enter ticket details.
We're using osTicket 1.14.1 and php 7.3 on IIS 10.

Other than you cannot remove the default form, yes.
You have have forms tied to Help Topics, and selecting the Help Topic will display the associated form.

They don't want a big long list of Help Topics though. They want 2, and the form on each topic to be smart enough to show/hide different options based on the selection of a custom choice element.
The user would click Create New Ticket and the only help topics would be Admin and IT. Picking IT, for example, would take them to the new ticket custom form and at the top would be a dropdown called Request Type, holding options like Hardware, Software, Email, etc, and changing this second dropdown would change the visible fields for data entry.

    a month later
    5 years later

    I apologize for necroposting, is there any possibility to 'hide' forms if we switch Help Topics?
    The default behaviour seems to conserve any forms needed from previous Help Topics.


      Always open your own thread instead of necroposting.

      It sounds like you are not using the latest version or something as by design it reloads the entire form section when selecting a new Topic. Meaning it only shows the selected Topic’s Forms and if changed it reloads and only shows the new Topic’s Form.


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