Necesito saber dónde se guardan los archivos adjuntos que se suben a osticket. En una carpeta? En la base de datos de qué forma?
Muchas gracias.

That depends on if you installed, configured, and use the Attachments::Filesystem plug or the default.

If you use the plugin the files are where every you specified.

If not then the files are stored in the ost_files* tables in the database.

    a year later

    plataformatecnologiica if I want to save the files in the cloud, how can I configure it?

    This thread is a year old. Please start your own thread.

    In general your choices are:

    • in the database (default)
    • on the filesystem (utilizing the Storage::Attachments on the Filesystem plugin)
    • on Amazon S3 (utilizing the Storage::Attachments in Amazon S3 plugin)
    • use one of the existing Storage plugins to roll your own solution to another cloud provider.

    Closing zombie thread with a head shot.

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