Hello. Upgraded successfully from 1.12 to 1.14. However, due date not being displayed on the main log nor in the ticket details. I checked the database table and the data is still being stored in column duedate.

After upgrade, I created new ticket and problem still exists that due date was added to the table but not being displayed.

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Environment details?
When you say 1.14 do you actually mean 1.14.1?

Yes, 1.14.1
php version 5.6.40

Here is screenshot of problem:

and it looks like date formatting is not working correctly in adjusting ticket

Did you try to change Collumn Width ?

I have now updated to php 7.1 and intl now installed.

In the meantime, I was able to find a bug when I was on php 5.6.4. Bug no longer exists in php 7.1

Works: select detroit with advanced

Doesn't work: select chicago with advanced

Okay to close this ticket now that I have upgraded to 7.1 and problem no longer exists.

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