Good afternoon, I'm using a program to run osticket application called xampp, it gives me a mysql, an apache and the possibility to run php, but the smtp server works normal, but imap does not work at all, is giving this error message ... can someone help me please!
Help-me please :IMAP not available. PHP must have IMAP support included.
If you are running *nix you need to install the php-imap package.
If you are running Windows then you need to enable the imap extension.
Thanks man
How do I set up when the email configured in osticket receives a new message, automatically opens a ticket?
Step 1:
Go to Admin panel -> Emails
Add a new email.
Give it the settings for your mail server, username, etc.
Step 2:
Go to Admin panel -> Emails -> Settings
configure the default system email.
configure how you want things to be.
Make sure that Email fetching is Enabled. Make sure Fetch on auto-cron is disabled.
Step 3:
Depending on your OS setup cron.php to fire on a schedule. [Linux cron, Windows Task Scheduler]
See docs for more information here:
How do I configure my cron.php file to perform the automatic call open procedure?
Thanks man
Very welcome.
note: you either need to use the user that the webserver runs as or no username specified.
Right, thanks.
How i translate my osticket for PT-BR? I already downloaded the pt_br.phar, what is the next step?
Installing Language Packs
Simply download one or more languages from this page and upload the phar file to
the include/i18n folder of your osTicket installation.
If you want that the Primary language of your installation go to:
Admin panel -> Settings -> System and change the Primary Language drop down and click Save Changes.
Then go to Profile (upper right) and change your default language in your user profile.