We are currently testing osTicket in our environment along with AD and the ldap plugin. In our domain environment we have child domains and the plugin doesn't seem to do referral chasing on authentications and the child domain logins are not authenticating.
I was looking at the source for the plugin and in authentication.php line 146 it looks like referrals is turned off. 'LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS' => 0,
I want to change that to a 1.
When I initially setup the auth-ldap plugin I used the phar file so I tried to modify the code and pull it into the plugins directory removing the .phar file and got a 500 server error when trying to configure it. I don't know if this is because I need to recompile to a phar file or something else. When trying to compile the phar from the readme the command executes, but no .phar file is generated.
Any ideas?