- Edited
Original Author - bkonia - (http://osticket.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6393)
I think I've got this to work in 1.7
Should just have to copy and paste the Updated Mod & Create the Html_email_Template DB entry as described below.All the changes are still commented with the original authors initials, BSK.
Login to PHPmyadmin > Select osTicket DB.
Run SQL command:
ALTER TABLE `ost_config` ADD `html_email_template` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL
include/class.config.php - Add @ ~ line 548
function getHtmlEmailTemplate(){ //BSK Retrieve HTML email template
return $this->config;
Then Add the Following around Line 733
.',html_email_template='.db_input($vars) // BSK Update HTML email template
Add after "//do some cleanup"
$htmlbody = str_replace('%message', str_replace("\n", '<br />', $body), $cfg->getHtmlEmailTemplate());
Then Add the following after " $mime->setHTMLBody($htmlbody); "
if (strpos($cfg->getHtmlEmailTemplate(), '%message') !== false) //BSK If %message is found in the HTML email template, create HTML body MIME part
After Line 104 Add...
<tr><th>HTML Email Template:</th><?php //BSK HTML email template ?>
<td><textarea rows="15" name="html_email_template" style="width;"><?=$config?></textarea><br><i>Will be used for all outgoing emails.<br />Insert %message where you want the message text to be replaced in the template.</i></td>
After you impliment the above mod - Open class.ticket.php and comment out the following lines of code: ( x5 total )
//if($cfg->stripQuotedReply() && ($tag=$cfg->getReplySeparator()))
// $msg ="\n$tag\n\n".$msg;
This will Make sure that the ReplySeparator does not get included twice on Replies.
It turns out that using this MOD breaks being able to send attachments via the in ticket e-mail reply system. I assume this is because I inadvertently used the 1.6 version of class.email.php. As far as I noticed - this is the only thing that breaks. If someone figures out how to translate this document to 1.7 I would be grateful.
Check out My (1.7 Setup & MOD Guide)