
We have created and set OS ticket for one of our client way back with version 1.8 and also made a lots of customization in it.
But now since the php support has been removed for 5.6 they have shifted to PHP 7.2 and now the OS ticket link is showing only white screen with no errors to be shown. How should we proceed on this.

Thanks in advance.

  • RBGE replied to this.

    vineet As 1.8 does not support PHP 7.2, your only option is to upgrade to osTicket 1.12. It's incredibly easy, but you'll have to redo your customisations. Hopefully they've all been recorded!

    EDIT: I'm assuming by customisations you mean you've changed the core files? If it's just templates and other changes made via osTicket admin panel, these will migrate along with the upgrade.

    Thanks for replying back. There are a lot of customization like adding new functionality and all these changes are done in core files. So what should be the best solution here ?

    • RBGE replied to this.

      vineet Given both PHP 5.6 and osTicket 1.8 have been end of life for some time now, I'd suggest setting up a new server with PHP 7.2 and osTicket 1.12, then migrating your DB across and redoing your customisations. While you could just upgrade your esxisting 1.8 to 1.12, your customisations may not be as straightforward to implement so better safe than sorry!

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