The mail function does not send alerts for new internal notes.
if we transfer the tickets, or create a new ticket, the function mail works well, but I need to receive a notification by mail to the agents of the department to which the ticket is assigned when internal notes are published.
I enable New Internal Note Alert in settings but dont work!!

Server information:
Version osTicket v1.12 (a076918)
Servidor del Software Web Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
Version MySQL 5.7.26
Version PHP 7.0.33-0ubuntu0.16.04.4

I would recommend that you upgrade to 1.12.2 and see if you still have a problem.

I upgrade to 1.12.2 and I have the same problem.
Looking in the file class.ticket.php we have found the next comment
"//TODO: do some shit
if (!$alert // Check if alert is enabled
|| !$cfg->alertONNewActivity()"

What else can we do? HELP PLEASE

Help please!!!!!


It does work....

Internal Note

Internal Activity Notice

If you would review the Internal Activity Notice recipients you will see that only the Last Responding Agent, the Assigned Agent/Team, or the Deparment Manager will be the only people who could get the notice. If you aren't getting a notice then you probably don't have an Assigned Agent/Team, Department manager, or you aren't the last responding agent.


12 days later

Good afternoon @KevinTheJedi , everything you comment is activated, the internal activity notice, the assignment to an agent and a team and to the department manager. Could it be that you have configured something else and that you have not commented on it?
It is the only alert that does not send mail.
Thanks for the help


This is all you have to do to get this alert working:

  • Admin Panel > Settings > Tickets > Alerts and Notices, Enable New Internal Activity Notice, Enable all sub-options, Save Changes.
  • Make sure you have the Default MTA option set to a valid/working email and the Default Alert Email option set to a valid/working email under Admin Panel > Emails > Settings.
  • Go to a ticket and post Internal Note.

The caveats are that you have to have an Assigned Agent/Team to the ticket OR Last Responding Agent OR have a Department Manager set. If you still don't get the alert then it's because you yourself posted the Internal Note and the system won't send the alert to yourself (because you posted the note obviously).


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