Good evening

there could be variants to the issue i am facing and i can assure you i have read and tried some of the suggestions previously provided but no success yet 😀
The environment:
PhP 7.0 on centos

issue fetch creates alerts that tickets have been created but on logging to the osticket, i am unable to see the tickets .
2 checked the db and the tickets were created with a status_id of 1.

How do solve this issue?

Grant your agent account access to the department that the tickets are getting created in.

    Hello ntozier
    Thank you for the response.
    Probably I mistated my challenge.
    I can only see the tickets in th ost_ticket table but even I who is admin cant see the tickets in the list of open tickets on the UI.

    Go to:
    Admin panel -> Agents -> Agents -> your account
    Click on Access tab
    Add any Departments that you want, and the role for that access.
    Click Save Changes

      Thank you . I had assumed if I am admin then I have access to all emails , I was wrong ...

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