I've downloaded the "translation file" but there's still a lot of stuff that is in English. Does anyone got a Spanish version of the system? It's taking me very long to translate every single thing.
Email templates in Spanish
The translation pack does not translate everything. There are newer features that have been added that do not support translations yet, and there are a number of things that never got added to the translation pack to translate.
templates are still in english...
Does anyone have the templates in spanish? Thank´s a lot
@gfuente this thread is 6 months old and doesn't appear to be related to email templates.
Please help us to help you by reading and following the posting guidelines located in this thread: Please read before requesting assistance. The more information you give us the better we will be able to assist you. Thank you.
Please include the following in your thread:
Environment details
Version of osTicket
Did you download and install the language pack?
Did you go to Admin panel -? Emails -> Templates, create a new template, and select the proper language?