I have tried to search on this forum but it didn't work (there's an issue), i would like to know how to properly install new language package, i downloaded fr.phar but i don't know how to do with this file, if someone give me step by step instructions to install the frensh package.
I'm using the version 1.12 of OSTicket.

From the language pack download page:
Simply download one or more languages from this page and upload the phar file to the include/i18n folder of your osTicket installation.

Once you have done that log into the UI as an admin.
Go to Admin panel -> System -> Settings (this is the default location when you click on Admin panel)
Click on Add language.
Select it from the list.

It works but some words still not translated see attached file; words open, my tickets, closed in tickets.php file

You haven't gone into your queues and given it a translation.

Click on one.
Click the gear next to the name.
Click the flag.
Translate it how you want it translated.

I should click to one of "closed", "My tickets", "open"?
I didn't understand well what to do.

Actually looking at this again you cannot translate the top level queue name at this time.

a month later

tito23 Yes, this is possible! You will have to translate manually using the administrative interface.

In: Settings > Tickets> Queues

    juniorjmenezes except then there is only one entry for the name. So if you change Open to Abrir and someone using English goes to look at it they will see Abrir. Or someone in German would see Abrir instead of Offen. etc. So no you cannot translate the text into a specific language with out changing the name for all other languages as the field is not translated at this time.

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