Hello again!

Where can I change that "tab" to translate to my language? I mean where is the file that contains it.

I searched on dashboard.php but I couldn't find it

Install a language pack. Switch your Agent profile to that language in Profile.

I did, but I want to change the text that appear on Topic Tab and also on Help Topic like the picture that I attached

Then you are running an old version and need to upgrade.

No.. I think I am no saying it well... Sorry but my english is not good.

I mean, with a language pack the word "Topics" appear as "Tema" that is the correct translation but I want to put "Sedes" in this place

You would need to unphar the language pack. Locate the translation that you want to change and change it.

I tried but I couldn't find it.. also I tried to search it on core files but nothing ?

Your language pack is located at /include/i18n.

If it were me I would copy it.
uphar the copy.
Rename it.
Edit it.
Save it.
Remove the old language pack.
Install the custom language pack.

I knew it.. I did it too, uphar all, search one by one but I couldn't find the file that contains it

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