Server Information
osTicket Version v1.12 (a076918) — Up to date
Web Server Software Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu)
MySQL Version 5.7.26
PHP Version 7.2.19-0ubuntu0.18.04.1

Is there a step-through guide on how to set this up properly? I'd like to create a new dept where the two depts do not share ticket info.

There really isn't a guide for this.

You go to: Admin panel -> Agents -> Departments.
You click Add New Department
Tadah! You added a new department.

Then you just need to click on that department and and configure it and add Agents.

Afterthought, then you just need to make some Help Topics to route tickets for that department to that department.

I'm assuming that staff will most likely NOT use the portal. In that case I would setup a 2nd email address and have that department linked to the 2nd email. How are the tickets separated in the agent ticket view? Is that handled by the agent's assignment to the department?

Staff are required to use the portal to respond to the customers.

Yes, you could setup a second email address for that department.

Since Agents can only see tickets assigned to their department(s) they see their tickets. Other wise they aren't really "separated".

Sorry - I meant staff as in customers. My use case is internal company only (for now).

Will all agents have access to the full OPEN tickets view? I see there is a MY TICKETS, but I'd like to lock down the full view if possible.

  • RBGE replied to this.

    danh Will all agents have access to the full OPEN tickets view? I see there is a MY TICKETS, but I'd like to lock down the full view if possible.

    You can go into the agent profile and select the option "Limit ticket access to ONLY assigned tickets" so the agent(s) would only have access to tickets assigned to them, but you'd need some way of handling unassigned tickets. Without this setting, agents can only see open tickets in their own department, but yes, it's otherwise unrestricted.

    • danh replied to this.

      RBGE OK - so by default, the agents in the new dept would ONLY see their dept tickets. That is perfect!

      That being said...can I rename my default department? or will that cause issues in the system elsewhere?
      From "support" to "helpdesk". My new department will be "support services".

      • RBGE replied to this.

        danh You can rename it to whatever you want, as it's stored in the database by ID - the only time an issue would potentially arise is if you delete it.

        • danh replied to this.

          You can rename your default department. ?

          • danh replied to this.

            Also, with custom queues you could set up the default view to be pretty much anything you want - just unassigned tickets, assigned to me, etc... and remove ones you want to hide. Of course an agent could still create their own custom queue and view other tickets in the same department as them, but you can make a default layout with your preferred setup.

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