Ok so who would have thought that giving people exactly what they wanted would cause so much trouble.

Here is my scenario. We just upgraded to 1.11 and love the custom queues, but now we have issues with column widths after adding a column, and some tickets displaying 2 rows high and others not, and so I tell people to adjust their column widths, since they can adjust their own queues.

Problem is that sometimes we will get a ticket from a user with a longer than normal name, which will then throw off what we thought we had set. or a ticket with a longer than normal subject, or the collaborators icon will throw off the From column, or the attachment clip, or the thread count will be double digit.

Is there any great magic number, that if we add all our columns up and they are under that number, they will stay single line? We have Text Overflow for all fields set to Clip Text, but sometimes it will still wrap the icons to a second line for thread count, collaborator, etc.

Also right now, we have so much white space on the right and left of our screens, with the ticket system taking up only about half the view-able area on my 24" monitor. It would be great if that were wider, or at least adjustable some how. I can snap my browser to half my screen and still see the entire ticket queue.

Any suggestions or insight from others adding columns?

I've had the exact same problem. That and since agents can customize their queues if I make a change to the base open queue they do not see it (because their custom queue overrides the one I made).

What I did to try to get around the line wrap it to eliminate displaying certain fields. I now only display ticket#, Last updated, Subject, From, Assigned to. Yes its simple, but we also added background colors for tickets beyond SLA time (stale tickets). We use a 6 digit ticket number so I made that column a little smaller. Last Updated default size is also a little larger than it needs to be. Made subject a little larger also. The real problem I run into now is when a ticket is over due, has collaborators, etc the subject some times spans into a second line (which is obnoxious) but only happens on really long subjects.

There are a few posts here on the forums of people who have edited the css to make the display span the whole screen (or most of it) if you google for it you should be able to find what they did.

Yep! Found it! Maybe this will help. If we can start using 100% of the screen space then nothing should be so long that it wraps. I also like the part in there about changing the background color of the row, eliminating the need for the priority column. You just lose the ability to click that column header for sorting. Thanks for you help as always. My job took a turn over the last year or so, and I have not been able to be active in the forums as I once was. Glad to see that you still are though!


Very welcome. ? And thanks for posting a link to the solution so other people can hopefully find it faster.

ntozier changed the title to [resolved] Love the Custom Queues! But....
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