admin is noticed when a ticket is issued but I have noticed that admin is not being sent notices that tickets are being replied to by users or agents. i have looked at the tickets/alerts and notices and enabled most things. what am i missing?

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Environment details?
Version of osTicket?
alerts and notice settings?

you are correct, i apologize for being in a hurry.

we are using v1.11
PHP v5.6.30

we are a small maintenance and operations firm. we are not using the email system in the ticket system to issue or respond to tickets. user / agents must login to the system.

we have designed our website so that a user/client can login and issue a service request. all service requests from one user go to one particular agent. that agent and only that agent will respond to each ticket from that user. he will use the ticket system to communicate with the user until the issue is repaired or resolved. admin will have the ability to review and comment, if necessary, and then close the ticket once it is completed. so given that, this is how i believe the ticket system should work / respond:

  1. user issue ticket
  2. agent is emailed a notice that a new ticket has been issued / admin is also notified
  3. agent reviews the ticket and responds / user, agent, and admin are notified of activity on open ticket, can login review agents response and respond in kind if necessary. a open ticket may go through several response cycles before the issue is resolved. with each response all parties are notified of activity and can respond in kind if necessary and so on.
  4. once the issue is resolved admin will respond that issue is complete and close the ticket.

is there a way to use only one email address for all notices sent from the ticket system? if this can be done then we can use auto forwarding in our email system to forward the ticket notices to whom we want to be notified. in some cases our client only allows certain people to login as a user but they want other people/managers to be in the communication loop so they can see what is happening even though they cannot respond to a ticket within the system. this is where we are having trouble setting up the alerts/notifications so that all parties are notified all along the way.

Version 1.11 is no longer supported. I would recommend that you upgrade to 1.12 as soon as possible. There were a number of security issues that make it unsafe to run. That being said I'm not sure if that will fix your problem. It might though.

wow that was quick i just installed it less than a month ago. can you direct me on how to keep what changes we have made such as users, agents, logo's, etc in place during or after the update so we dont have to re-input this info.

thank you

There is no database updates performed going from 1.11 to 1.12. So back up your database (just in case) and upload the contents of the upload folder in the release archive over the old files. If you want to be able to restore the site to 1.11 code you may also want to back up the current files that you have on the site also.

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