The osTicket team is happy to announce the release of osTicket version 1.12, the first stable release in 1.12 series.

Release Highlights

The release fixes bugs and addresses a security vulnerability reported in prior versions, and also introduces a host of awesome enhancements and features.

For a complete list of improvements, fixes and changes please check our release notes.


For documentation of new features as well as existing features, please check out our documentation website.

Maintenance Releases for 1.10 Series

For osTicket users who are unable or unwilling to upgrade, we highly recommend upgrading to 1.10 maintenance release, v1.10. These new maintenance releases address security vulnerability affecting prior releases. These fixes have also been integrated into v1.12.

Upgrading your installation

If you are using an older version of osTicket, we highly recommend that you upgrade to the latest version – please refer to the upgrade guide for complete instructions. If you are installing osTicket for the first time, then simply download osTicket v1.12 and follow the installation guide on the wiki.

Please be sure to upgrade your plugins as well as any language packs you have installed.

Need help? – Contact us for professional support.

The osTicket Team.

note: There are no database changes in this version, so the upgrader will not run.

note 2: Due to security issues in 1.11 support for it ended 24 Apr 2019.
1.10.x and 1.12 are the currently supported versions.

3 months later
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