Hello, I'm new to the community, I installed OSTIcket yesterday, it's hosted on mail provider's server, and I'm trying to install the language pack Portuguese BR, in some tutorials, it guides you to download and insert the language pack in the include\ i18n folder, that's what I did, in the system the language appears, but when I change, save and refresh, the system does not open anymore.
Can someone help me? What did I do wrong or forgot to do?
Problem installing language pack Portuguese Br
Please help us to help you by reading and following the posting guidelines located in this thread: Please read before requesting assistance. The more information you give us the better we will be able to assist you. Thank you.
Environment details?
Version of osTicket?
PHP errors?
Environment, installed in the Webhaus e-mail server environment;
OSTicket version 1.11;
I do not have much experience with PHP and I can not tell if PHP errors occur, the version of PHP Admin is 4.8.3
You're probably going to want to talk to Webhaus support to find out how to access your PHP error logs.
After speaking with Webhaus support, the problem was resolved, the PHP version was updated and the system started to open correctly after the update.
I'm having a problem now in form creation, should I create a new topic for this?
Thank you,
Sure. Please include the steps that you are taking to create the form, and how you are adding it to a ticket.