in my production environment some tickets - email origin - are opened with accented characters - i.e. "é" - replaced by è, Â, etc.
What could be the reason and the workaround?
Thanks in advance.

Have you installed PHP Extensions: intl
Highly recommended for non western european language content

Please help us to help you by reading and following the posting guidelines located in this thread: Please read before requesting assistance. The more information you give us the better we will be able to assist you. Thank you.

Environment details?
Version of osTicket?

Hi, it seems that "intl" extension solves my issue. Thanks @ramrajone !
I'll give it a look to a bunch of tickets other than the one I was looking at, but in that accented characters are now shown correctly so this makes me think there is no matter anymore.


just to complete the issue with the info requested: We are speaking of a xampp env on Windows 2016, with PHP 5.6, Maria DB and Apache 2.4.
OsTicket is a 1.11 release.


Sounds like your all set then. I'll mark this as resolved and close the thread.

Please start a new thread if you have another problem, question, comment, etc.

ntozier changed the title to [resolved] Strange Characters....
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