My server policy does not support PHP's mail() and thus I need to set SMTP accounts for sending mail. This is my issue: when adding a new email address the page stalls for a long time and finally gives back an error.
Unable to log in. Check SMTP settings.
Failed to connect to smtp.elan42.com:465 [SMTP: Invalid response code received from server (code: -1, response: )]
I have multiple accounts I can use, from Mailgun (smtp.mailgun.org:465) or my own server but the error is the same and I am positive about the credentials. There's nothing unusual in Mailgun or my server logs.
I noticed that when I press the "Submit" button to add an e-mail, it looks like both the username and the password gets changed back to the defaults, which are those of my admin user... And the same happens when I try to add another address for IMAP fetching: in this case it gets saved, but the user/password are changed.