we just started a production system with OsTicket 1.11.
For a few weeks we loaded some test issues that we deleted before starting with production ones.
After a few hours since starting in production, we had a look at the dashboard and we saw that it still contains info about the huge quantity of test issues we deleted.
Is there a way to delete statistics data before a certaine date and time?
In which tables should I have a look?
Thanks in advance.
Statistics Tables
just found deleting data from thread and thread_event is the solution searched for.
I have one more question: in the dashboard statistics view, where can I enable my user to see statistics for each agent?
I'm asking this because in my view I see only statistics about my user.
Go to: Admin panel -> Agents -> Your account
Click on the Permissions tab
Click on the Miscellaneous tab
enable Stats
Click Save Changes.