So we are looking at implementing OSTicket here at our company and using it for a couple of different departments to replace a current ancient ticket system. One thing I was curious about, is on the new ticket page when a user selects a "Help Topic" is it possible to have the "Priority" field show up when some Departments help topics are selected but not have it show up for other Departments? It isn't a massive deal either way but was just curious.
[resolved] Priority of Ticket
By default Users cannot select the priority of their ticket at all.
You can have the Help Topic assign the priority.
Or you can add a form (with a priority select) to the Help Topic.
ntozier Thanks that was how I thought it had to be done but I wanted to be sure.
Very welcome. ? Should I mark this thread as resolved and close it?
ntozier yup it can be closed.
ntozier locked the discussion.
ntozier changed the title to [resolved] Priority of Ticket.