Hello, I've got a very strange issue : when I try to upload a image to use in my templates, everything looks fine, I can insert it, no problem there, however it's not visible in the "choose" tab and also gone in the template the next time I open it.
Any ideas ?
thanks !
image upload issue in templates
Steps to replicate the issue?
made a small vid ?
Can't watch that while at work. I'll try to remember to take a peek when I get home tonight.
ramrajone Yes that seems to be the case, are those stored in the database ? or on the site?
I cannot reproduce this using v1.11 latest and PHP 7.2. When I upload an image and Save Changes, I can go back and choose that image I uploaded. (see images below)
Upload To FAQ
Choose Same Image
It's not on FaQ's, but when uploading an image to the template
Emails>Template>Ticket End-User Email Templates
25 days later
update to 1.12 didn't fix the problem
4 years later
Same issue over here, still present in V1.17.