I'm following instructions from here: https://docs.osticket.com/en/latest/Getting%20Started/Upgrade%20and%20Migration.html#uploading-files

Step 6: Do not overwrite your ost-config.php file (in the include directory) or else you will lose your MySQL admin settings.

Step 9: Once you’ve overwritten the files, rename config.php to ostconfig.php (config.php is found in root osTicket directory).

No config.php found in root directory. Is Step 9 still valid for 1.11?

Unless you were running a VERY ancient version of osTicket then you should already have an ost-config.php. If memory serves me correctly the old settings.php and ostconfig.php file names were used pre 1.7.x. Also at some point the config file was moved from / to /include.

But yes, you should not over write your ost-config.php. You should put it in your /include folder.

Also step 9 in that list is specifically for For versions 1.6 RC1-RC2 Only. It should also probably say move the file to /include.

Thanks for response. I highly suggest that the instructions be altered to make it more clearer.

Resolved and please close.

I've already filed a pull request to fix it. ?

ntozier changed the title to [resolved] upgrading to 1.11: No config.php found in root directory.
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