Is there a way that I can get a user to select their location based of Nested options? e.g.
Select Region ( A, B, C, D)
If user selects A from the list a new drop-down gets populated with the Countries in that region.
I have a vague Idea on how to do it using Lists but can't think on how to populate each list to the Ticket Details Form based on a previous list selection.
OsTicket v1.11
Nested Location when Creating a Ticket
If you want to re-purpose Help Topics to be the first level then yes.
ie make your help topics:
Region A
Region B
Region C
Then you can make and add custom forms to each Help Topic.
Each form would then have a list of the countries in the region.
So Region A would have a list called "Region A"
The list would have:
country 1
country 2
country 3
Otherwise there isn't a way to do what your asking using the UI currently. And well you would give up meaningful Help Topics in favor of Regions / Country.
For nested custom lists, you may try a plugin called Ajax Superlists.
Superlists is a plugin that allows for smart, dynamic, interlinked and grouped ajax custom lists on the ticket creation page.
Find out more here: