Since the update to 1.11 attachments to an old ticket can no longer be opened. The attachment is still present but when you try to open it I get an (windows) error message that the file format is not valid. These are both jpeg, xlsx files. PDF is going well.
Attachments cannot be opened in old tickets
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Environment details?
Error logs?
Where/how are you storing attachments?
I've gone and tried this in my production sites. I opened tickets from well before 1.11 was released and do not encounter any issues opening attachments. My test included .jpg, .png, .pdf, .xlsx, and .docx on various tickets dating back to 2010.
I found out that the problem was in the plugin 'Archiver'. I added a row with 'Signal::send('ticket.before.delete', $this); // Archiver plugin: Added to archive tickets before deleting them. to the 'class.ticket.php' file.
After restoring the original file it works again.
Seems that I did something wrong?
I had the folowing:
function delete($comments='') {
global $ost, $thisstaff;
Signal::send('ticket.before.delete', $this); // Archiver plugin: Added to archive tickets before deleting them.
//delete just orphaned ticket thread & associated attachments.
// Fetch thread prior to removing ticket entry
$t = $this->getThread();
I would recommend that you contact the author of the 3rd party plugin that you are using. Since I have never used it... I wouldn't know where to begin.
having the same issue as TS. Only old tickets were affected after upgrading.
Windows IIS 8.5
PHP 7.4.13
MariaDB 5.5
As I posted 2 years ago, you should seek your support experience with the author of the third party plugin that you are running.