It appears that osTicket 1.11 doesn't truly search for a string anymore. If I search for the word "fedline" it gives me results. If I search for "fedl" I don't get any results. Does anyone know of a way I can make osTicket search for a string?
Wildcard Search
Not sure what you mean.
If I search for 'inter' I get a list of tickets. A quick look tells me those matches are from the words: internet, printer, intercompany
- Edited
I just tested and it's not working for me too
I searched for Printer and 25 results came
Then I searched for Printe nothing came just by removing r in a printer
then I just searched for Print and 25 more results came
What I notice is the display part seems to be not working: As you can see it show there are a number of pages, but not showing
One more thing I notice is if you search for more then one word, it will find, example if searched for: Printe Problem Then is will find stuff that has to do with word "Problem"
osTicket Version v1.11 (0f229ae) — Up to date
Web Server Software Apache/2.4.29 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.2l PHP/7.2.15
MySQL Version 10.1.28
PHP Version 7.2.15
Feel free to report your findings at github.
done reported the issue on Github
Thank you
Even with something that should have zero results it shows 500 results. I'll add that to the github ticket.