Hi, we noticed a reliably occurring bug.

We use forms in help topics to convey required input. A mockup of a definitions for a certain help topic looks like this:

(x) Name
( ) Adress
(x) Phone
(x) Status

(x) Name
(x) Adress
( ) Phone
( ) Status

(x) Priority
(x) Application
( ) Module

In the agents’ ticket views and the users’ create ticket view, everything is displayed as intended. In the users’ ticket view, the caption of the last form is displayed for every forms caption:

(x) Name
(x) Phone
(x) Status

(x) Name
(x) Adress

(x) Priority
(x) Application

The issue is very persistent so I believe the ticket information is parsed incorrectly. The last caption will be duplicated no matter what form is used last so it does not seem to be an issue related to any one form or help topic. Switching the system language back to English has not helped either.

Thanks for your help.


Uhhh, honestly I cannot follow, so please help me a bit. Do you have any screenshots of what you mean?



[1] In this example, here is what we define as help topic. It uses fields from form (001), (210), (230) and (999), each with their own correct caption.

[2] The user chooses that help topic when creating a ticket. The captions are correct and in (210), it correctly only offers three out of the five fields, as selected in [1].

[3] Filling in data...

[4] After creating the ticket, in the user's ticket view, the fields are displayed correctly, but the captions of the subforms (001), (210), (230) and (999) all changed to the last one (999). [(001) is not displayed because it has no fields to be filled in]

[5] In the agent's ticket view, everything is displayed correctly.

4 days later

It works wonderfully. Thanks a lot for the quick help, Kevin.

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