I am attempting to create a ticket filter which will automatically alert a specific email address if a ticket is created with or escalated to an Emergency status. I've attached my current Filter configuration, it's the only filter I have setup currently so there's no other conflicts.

Does the Ticket priority level need to be entered as an integer instead of a string? What am I missing here?
From & recipient email are both valid addresses and there's no issues with my mail relay or otherwise.

    spatialadmin if a ticket is created with or escalated to an Emergency status.

    Ticket filters only fire on escalation. there is no way to "escalate to an emergency status" and send an alert.

    spatialadmin Does the Ticket priority level need to be entered as an integer instead of a string?

    I would think that it does, but I haven't tried to do this personally.

      I was of the opinion that since you posted you might want to know that half of what you were trying to do will not work the way that you want it to [since the escalation part will not work as ticket filters only fire at ticket creation]. I also thought that you might want to know that if I was setting it up I would use the number id of the priority.

      In case anyone else has the same question. I found this by inspecting the web element when creating a new ticket.

      You can also look in the ost_ticket_priority table.

      The default table looks like this

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