Hi I would like to widen OSTIcket page so that I can add more columns without other columns being scrunched up double lined, hidden etc. How do I do that, is there a page to edit and will this affect all users?
[resolved] Widen OSTicket Page
You will have to edit the core source files. Specifically the css files to change the page width etc.Make sure that you back up your site before you muck around. If you do it on the staff side it will affect all Agents. If you do it on the User side then it will affect all users.
I think that the User side is: /assets/default/css/theme.css
The staff side is /scp/css/scp.css
greg323 I do not recommend touching the user's part.
to modify the agent panel in 1.11
Line 128 modify 940px by 90%
Line 517 added "width: 100%;"
Line 1130 added "width: 100%;"
Here are all the changes I have made to have a nearly full width page for the ticket grid and the ticket view.
As per below:
Gracias lewis un gran aporte.
Sabes cómo se podría poner en colores según la prioridad, por ejemplo en rojo los urgentes? Gracias
I'm not sure what you mean put in colors?
Do you want to change the color of the row based on the tickets priority?
LewisHackfath sure refers to that. I'm also interested in that mod.
I'm not sure how this would be achieved, but in OST1.11 you can customise your grids so you could just add the priority column if that helps.
Exacto lewis eso es lo que quiero, por ejemplo: que me ponga “rojo” al urgente, “amarillo” medio y “verde” al bajo
El 1.11 podes personalizar pero no veo que puedas poner los colores?
Tal vez ntozier nos puede ayudar!
I was able to change the row colors with the following:
However this is not a very good way to do it as it has hard-coded colors in the actual file, it should pull them from the database however I was not sure how to do this in V 1.11 maybe @ntozier can ask one of the devs to tell me?
In saying this, the above does work.
Lewis, podre modificar el ancho de cada columna de la vista? sabes cuales serian los archivos a modificar y en que filas_?
Y esto mismo lo puedo hacer para la vista del support/usuario que crea el tickets?
I have purchased a client side theme so have not edited the Front End Before.
In 1.11 editing the column width can be done through the admin section under custom Queues.
LewisHackfath interesting. I will apply it in 1.11.
- Edited
Esos como hiciste para que en el campo de Priority te anteponga en número antes del texto? Y ese campo lo tomaste del formulario predeterminado o lo pusiste desde el formulario personalizado incorporando el campo dinámico priority?
asi es como yo lo hice pero no me lo toma para la vista del agente, o sea por mas que le ponga prioridad ALTA en ese campo el sistemas lo deja como NORMAL.
Dejo aca una imagen para dar cuenta de lo que estoy comentando>
El problema creo que esta que no toma en cuenta ese dato sino viene de los campor basicos del tickets
Esta es la vista del agente, donde se ve que la priority no es la que se puso en el tickets.
I'm sorry I don't speak spanish so can only translate so much.
Can you please translate to english for me. I cannot understand what is written on the screenshots.
LewisHackfath Can you provide this code in a place where you can copy and paste?
Hola Pablo, usted quiere que le envíe el código? De donde lo saco?
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mremersaro I'm interested in the code to change the background according to the priority. I see that you have that mod.
Edit: I got it thanks
Hola Lewis, aca te pego la captura traducida:
Espero me puedas dar una mano con esto.