MariaDB 10.3.12
PHP 5.6.31

So i presented a demo of OSTicket to my colleagues today, and one of the questions asked was can we reply to a ticket via email (Like we currently can with Spiceworks)
I've seen somewhere else on this forum that it is possible with some PHP editing (Which i am not comfortable with) and can also have implications with future updates.

1: can someone show me an easy step by step dummys guide on how to edit the PHP file which will allow this ?

2: I also read that this was possibly going to be a core feature in a future release, does anyone know if this will be in the incoming 1.11 stable... i.e should i hold off messing with php?


    billy can we reply to a ticket via emai

    Agents cannot respond to a ticket via email and update the User (client). It will update the ticket as an internal note.

    billy can someone show me an easy step by step dummys guide on how to edit the PHP file which will allow this ?

    You would have to look on the forums for instructions for the version that you are running. I do not recall seeing instructions by anyone for 1.10.4 but I don't remember ever post.

    billy I also read that this was possibly going to be a core feature in a future release, does anyone know if this will be in the incoming 1.11 stable

    I don't know every new feature that is going to be in 1.11. That being said I am not aware of this being a feature in the forthcoming version.

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