The client does not display the text of the ticket in the interface. The page is cropped after:

for the client it looks like this:

But, if you click "print", the ticket text and responses are displayed

This error is not all clients. Tell me, please, how to fix

Does Tenecpoh translate to Telephone?

If so go to Admin panel -> Manage -> Forms -> Contact Information
Do you have a Phone Number field of Type Phone Number variable name: phone?
If not add it.

Click on Config. make sure it is enabled. visible for EndUser and For Agents. Editable for EndUsers and For Agents.

Then try viewing the ticket again.

Hello. Thanks for the answer.
Tried to do so - did not help. Tried to simply delete the Phone field - no changes

I would consult your php error log then ans see what the error is thats causing display to crash.

You need the phone variable though. Because if it cannot find it then it will cause the behavior that you are seeing.

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