I need to translate some lines from messages.mo.php but i don´t know how. I downloaded the translation from this site: http://i18n.osticket.com/project/osticket-official/es-ES cause it´s the most advanced, compared with the phar file on the official osticket page, and i can edit the messages.po file to match my preffered translation.

The problem is that i don´t know how to get this working once I modified it.

  1. How can i compile .po file into .mo.php file?
  2. Should i re-pack into a phar file?
  3. What am i missing here?

In order to edit language packs you need to:

  • unphar the version that you downloaded from osticket.com/download.
  • make your edits to the files.
  • (optional) rephar the files

When i unphar the version i downloaded i get messages.mo.php which i can´t edit.

Then you probably do not have permissions on the file to edit it. Give yourself permissions (based on how your OS handles such things).

I can, but i think thats not the right way.

I want to edit the .po file with some editor like poedit (easiest way), then compile to .mo and then convert to .mo.php

Language packs from i18n are not usable with osTicket until they are packaged by the devs. The only way to do it is the way that I just described to you.

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