The url is correct : it contains "http://xxxxx.com" (my domain name, this field is obligatory as there is a red star shown ?
The code for the link is : %%7Bticket.staff_link%7D
The full code is
<h3><strong>Bonjour %{recipient.name},</strong></h3>Un nouveau message a été ajouté au ticket <a href="%%7Bticket.staff_link%7D">#%{ticket.number}</a> <br><br>
<td> <strong>De</strong>:
<td> %{ticket.name}
<td> <strong>Département</strong>:
<td> %{ticket.dept.name}
</table> <br> %{message} <br><br>
<hr>To view or respond to the ticket, please <a href="%%7Bticket.staff_link%7D"><span style="color:rgb(84, 141, 212)">login</span></a> to the support ticket system<br><em>Your friendly Customer Support System</em><br><img src="/file.php?key=xxxxxxxxxxx&expires=1540512000&signature=xxxxxxxxx&disposition=inline" data-cid="xxxxxxxc" alt="Powered by osTicket" style="width:126px" width="126" height="23">
(i remove all the "private" key)