I'm new on OSTickets and i test this tool to see if i could use it ?
Right now, all is working : i make this all working (emails, etc..) but i see something wrong in my link by default in the template emails.
When i received an email, i can see the link formatted like this :
Of course, this not working...
Then, i have a simple question : Why the url is encoded with 2 times my domain ?
I have tested the ticket by removing the useless part at the beginning (http://mydomain.com/scp/) and it is working well otherwise...

Thanks for your help ?

Note : OSTicket last version 1.10.4 on Apache 2.4.35 and PHP 7.0.32 as Php 7.2 generate a token issue)

Please down grade to php 5.6 and re-test.

Back after testing : no change, the link is exactly the same with php 5.6.38...

Any idea to get this functionnal ?
Thanks a lot for your help Ntozier ?

Have you checked your templates to make sure that they aren't the problem?


Two things....
1.) Check your Helpdesk URL setting: Admin Panel > Settings > System > Helpdesk URL
2.) Post screenshot of your template.


The url is correct : it contains "http://xxxxx.com" (my domain name, this field is obligatory as there is a red star shown ?

The code for the link is : %%7Bticket.staff_link%7D

The full code is

<h3><strong>Bonjour %{recipient.name},</strong></h3>Un nouveau message a été ajouté au ticket <a href="%%7Bticket.staff_link%7D">#%{ticket.number}</a> <br><br>
	<td> <strong>De</strong>:
	<td> %{ticket.name}
	<td> <strong>Département</strong>:
	<td> %{ticket.dept.name}
</table> <br> %{message} <br><br>
<hr>To view or respond to the ticket, please <a href="%%7Bticket.staff_link%7D"><span style="color:rgb(84, 141, 212)">login</span></a> to the support ticket system<br><em>Your friendly Customer Support System</em><br><img src="/file.php?key=xxxxxxxxxxx&expires=1540512000&signature=xxxxxxxxx&disposition=inline" data-cid="xxxxxxxc" alt="Powered by osTicket" style="width:126px" width="126" height="23">

(i remove all the "private" key)

So any idea of why this is not working ?
thanks for the help ?

Your template has <a href="%%7Bticket.staff_link%7D">

That should read <a href="%[ticket.staff_link}">

Hi Ntozier,
So i have to change the code ? It is the original link from OSTicket template.
I'm going to change it to check... I will come back to tell you if all is ok with this change.

Thanks !

Ok... When i try to change the link (either by direct editing in the code or by the "link editor" shown when i click on a link, i update the %7B to change with { and }.
I save the template and when i come back the %7B is back !!!

I found !!
In the link, the former link add my domain name before the link code ! By removing this domain name (i did not put this formerly), it works !!!!
NTozier : THANKS !
And thanks for the time and patience you give here to every people who have "stupid" questions like me ?
Some little issues (i'm going to create a new thread for this to avoid mixing all in the same thread) are remaining but i thing i'm going to have something quite usable now ?

Chabi0167 changed the title to [SOLVED] Wrong links in emails....

Glad that you got that sorted. ? I'll close this thread but please do not hesitate to start a new thread if you have another question, comment, etc.

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