Hello to All,

I tried making a fresh installation:
Windows 7 Enterprise
PHP 7.1
Apache 2.4.35

bat have Error:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Using $this when not in object context in C:\www\helpdesk\include\class.filter.php:477 Stack trace: #0 C:\www\helpdesk\include\class.filter.php(387): Filter::save(0, Array, Array) #1 C:\www\helpdesk\include\class.i18n.php(79): Filter::create(Array, Array) #2 C:\www\helpdesk\setup\inc\class.installer.php(172): Internationalization->loadDefaultData() #3 C:\www\helpdesk\setup\install.php(52): Installer->install(Array) #4 {main} thrown in C:\www\helpdesk\include\class.filter.php on line 477

Do I need to go to PHP 5.6 and MySQL 7? Or problem can be solved in the current system configuration?

Thank you


osTicket does not support PHP 7.1 yet. Please downgrade to PHP 5.6.

PHP7 support is due out in v 1.11 once it is released.

Also if you are going to use MySQL 8 there are some configuration issues between it and Pre 7.1.16. Mysql8 changed the default_authentication_plugin to caching_sha2_password. You will need to set default_authentication_plugin=mysql_native_password in my.cnf. And you will need to change the authentication plugin used by that user. Here is a blog post I just wrote about this:
Installing osTicket 1.10.4 - Troubleshooting MySQL 8 and PHP 5.6

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