Hi,I have been searching all around if it is possible to add original user attachment to be send together with ticket assignment e-mail but there is no %{ticket.thread.files} like %{ticket.thread.original}. Did someone needed similar functionality and implemented this? If no, can anyone give some hint on how to do that?I have been able to activate %{message} to be added in mentioned template but when I insert %{message.files} in "ticket assignment alert" I don't get files but instead %{message.files} shows in received e-mail.Thanks.Kind regards,Gabrijel

    5 years later

    Try %{ticket.thread.complete} in the place of %{message}.
    I solved it like this

    morfeus add original user attachment

    Do you mean attached files?
    Or do you mean the body of the original email (or opening post)?

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