I'm running OSTicket 1.10.4 on a Windows Server 2012 with MySQL 5.7.17 and PHP 5.6.30. Everything seems to be working fairly well with one hiccup. When a user opens a new ticket the system successfully sends the agent an email alerting the agent to the ticket but when the agent responds to the email or uses the web interface to respond to the ticket, nobody receives an email update and instead the system generates the following error:Unable to email via SMTP-com.mail.protection.outlook.com Failed to add recipient: jsmith@enduserdomain.com[SMTP: Invalid response code received from server (code: 451, response: 4.4.62 Mail sent to the wrong Office 365 region. ATTR35. For more information please go to https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865268 ) andUnable to email via php mail function:"John Smith" mail() returned failureThe trouble with all of that is that when the ticket is created by the user, that same system email address, helpdesk@ourdomain.com, successfully sends an alert message to the assigned agent (agentname@ourdomain.com). Not sure why one email-send is working and the other is not. Can anyone help me? Thanks!Ariel in Denver