buenas tardes,amigo no puedo ingresar a la instalación del sistema: http://soportepuertosalgar.online/ticket/upload/setup/me sale el siguiente error: La página soportepuertosalgar.online no puede procesar esta solicitud ahora. HTTP ERROR 500el servicio de hosting en Hostinger.

    HTTP Error 500 is a generic error, it could be your web server, PHP, permission, etc..check logs on your server for more details of issues

    Please help us to help you by reading and following the posting guidelines located in this thread: Please read before requesting assistance.  The more information you give us the better we will be able to assist you. Thank you.Environment details?Version of osTicket?

    ERROR LOG:/ticket/upload/setup/error_log PHP Fatal error:  Cannot declare class Error, because the name is already in use in /home/u550503179/domains/soportepuertosalgar.online/public_html/ticket/upload/include/class.error.php on line 43 PHP Fatal error:  Cannot declare class Error, because the name is already in use in /home/u550503179/domains/soportepuertosalgar.online/public_html/ticket/upload/include/class.error.php on line 43OSTICKET: v1.9.15PHP: 7.0APACHE: 2.4MARIADB: 10.2Hosting: Hostinger.co

    It's likely that your problem is php7.  osTicket 1.9.x does not support php7.Also 1.9.x has reached end of life. You should probably install the current stable 1.10.4 (as of this writing).

    it most likely due to the PHP version too high, you should use lower version or install a newer version of osTicket 1.10.4

    Ya lo instale, pero cuando selecciono algún tema para abrir un ticket me muestra el error:La página soportepuertosalgar.online no puede procesar esta solicitud ahora.

    HTTP ERROR 500y cuando voy a crear un usuario se queda cargando.

    Did you downgrade your PHP for 5.6?

    solicite al proveedor del hosting habilitar la versión 5.6 de PHP y ya lo instale, pero que los correos automáticos se retrazan demasiado. estoy enviando los correos por SMTP.Error de MailerNo se pudo enviar por correo electrónico a través de SMTP: mx1.hostinger.co: 587 Error al agregar destinatario: hectordelfin2011@hotmail.com

    ask the hosting provider to enable version 5.6 of PHP and install it already, but that automatic emails are delayed too much.I am sending emails via SMTP.Mailer errorCould not send by email through SMTP: mx1.hostinger.co: 587 Add recipient error: hectordelfin2011@hotmail.com "but that automatic emails are delayed too much."There is no delay on sending email?  Emails are sent immediately."(code: 554, answer: 5.7 .1: rejected client host: Access denied)"The email server that you are using is rejecting the emails.

    4 years later
    12 days later

    @ljara I do not think that the OP will respond since this thread hasn't been updated in 4 years.

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