Hello!In ordre to adapt the layout, I wanted to use the less files of the osticket. In theme.less (in assets/default/less), I have included a new less file (in order to not touch the core less files). After I compiled the new theme.less, some part of the layout was broken (I only changed the background color of the nav section for customer). Checking differences, I can see that it's missing some css classes in the generated theme.css. Did I miss something? Thx for your help!

Moving thread to Mods and Customizations.It seems that you are modifying core source files so you are kinda on your own here.

Is there a way to include custom css file without modifying any core file? I did not find any way to do it in a clean way :(

Q: Is there a way to include custom css file without modifying any core file?A: not at this time.  Although I made a PR to allow plugins to do so, it has not been accepted yet.

ok. I have just seen a md file in github about the custom theme. They do recommend to modify the less files when you want to customize the layout. This was what I have been done but it breaks some part of the layout.

I have no idea what you are talking about.  osTicket does not support custom themes at this time.The custom themes that are out there are not just themes, they are mods of the core source files.

Sorry I was talking about this : https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket/blob/develop-next/assets/default/about-custom-themes.md

develop-next is the repository for the NEXT version of osTicket.  It's not out yet.

I know about it ;) Just to say that the only way to customize it is to edit the less files. But I was just surprised that after compiling, it breaks the layout. I expected that all css class present in theme.css was in the less files.And btw when I did it, I used the latest official release and not the develop-next branch.

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