Es posible que un usuario generico (NO es agente) pueda ver los tickets que genero otro usuario? sin tener que ir a buscar uno x uno desde la vista de estado de tickets

No it is not.If you need a specific user to have access to a grouping of tickets however you can always setup Organizations.

se refiere a DEPARTAMENTOS? Pero yo necesito que usuarios NO AGENTES puedan ver los tickets de otros, me explico?

If a User needs to see another Users tickets then you will need to use Organizations.If an Agent needs to see a Users tickets they need to have access to the Department or Team that the ticket is assigned to, or to have the ticket assigned to the Agent in question.

perdon por la ignorancia pero como creo las organizaciones, desde que parte de l menu lo debo hacer_GRAcias

ntozier, ahi encontre donde crearla, pero porque puede ser que se vea asi: no puedo ver los campos para crearla y hay alguna wiki o guia de este item para saber como funciona? graciasblank

Documentation is located at it looks like you or someone disabled all the organizations fields or something.  You might have to go to Admin panel -> Manage -> Forms -> Organization Information.

15 days later

Para ver si entiendo como funciona esta opción, creo una organización y pongo a los usuarios o agentes y así todos los que pertenezcan a esa organización van a poder ver los tickets que crean? Indistintamente que sean de distintos departamentos?

Yes.Members of an Organization can see the tickets of othe Org members... if you configure it that way.Go to Users tab -> Organizations.Click on your Org.Click on Settings.See "Automated Collaboration".

6 days later

Ahora para que puedan acceder a la organizacion tengo que habilitarlos para:1) ser agentes?2) habilitarles en la sopala del AGENTE --> PERMISOS --> USUARIO ? porque sino no le aparece la solapa de usuarios en la ventana de agente?blank3) habilitarle en la sopala del AGENTE --> PERMISOS --> ORGANIZACIONES? blank

Sorry but i don't get what you are trying to ask.

mi consulta es que debo habilitarle al agente para que pueda acceder a ver los tickets de las distintas organizaciones? o desde donde lo ven?Gracias

Q: my query is that I have to enable the agent so that I have access to see the tickets of the different organizations?No.  Organizations is away to group Users.  So that Users can see each others tickets (if you want), and so that your Users are better organized.  You can also setup an agent as the account manager for that Organization.If an agent has access to the Department that a ticket is assigned to, they will be able to see it in the ticket list.

5 years later

Hi...regarding these permissions, it does not work for me, I entered organization / configuration and enabled both options but the user cannot see the tickets that his colleagues in the organization have created

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