ive tried with about 4 accounts in osticket just to try. none work, however, i can imap on an actual CLIENT on my desktop to the same exchange server on the same network. Timezone/is correct so far from what i can see.

Admin panel -> Email -> settingsYou have Email Fetching: enabled?You setup cron to run cron.php every couple minutes?

16 days later

ntozieryes i have enabled email fetching and fetch on auto-cron, the problem is on the 'emails' page of osticket, in a specific email called helpdesk (or any email i set here).When i save the credentials i get Can not authenticate to IMAP server: AUTHENTICATE failed.

Sounds like you have identified the problem then.  Authentication failed.  You will need to figure out why.In osTicket it could be a bad username, password, bad settings.On the server side it could be improper permissions to connect, a firewall, etc.

ntozierThe thing is, ive logged into this account with the exact same credentials, so the creds arent the problem, it has to be some sort of exchange setting, but I'm not sure what. Nothing online is seeming to do the trick. I've looked at the recieve connectors, verifying end users have access to use all of them, changing them to basic authentication  as per some articles online, and even turring off the "Offer basic auth only after starting TLS". Ive verifed the firewall on the server is off (even though it has the default rule 143 for exchange built into it).I've looked at the receive connectors, im at a loss at this point. Hence why i posted on the forum to see if anyone else had this issue.

@[deleted](This just adds to my reasons why no one should use windows or any microsoft product....ever lol)Do you have Plain-text (clear text) Authentication enabled for Exchange?Cheers.

KevinTheJediAre you referring to Auth login? or can you provide a link to what you might be reffering to?

"The thing is, ive logged into this account with the exact same credentials,"Honestly this does not really mean anything.  Logging into the account (using Outlook or OWA) does not utilize IMAP.  It utilizes MAPI.  It's a totally different beast. Are you using a standard account? (and not a shared email account)

@[deleted]double check IMAP service is running and an email you are using has IMAP enabledMake sure your AD account correct, I have seen user been created with AD account different from an email addressI use exchange 2010 version and this is what I have for email settings which works for meEmail Login Information :domain\userNamehostname: FQDNport number: 993Mail Box Protocol: IMAP+SSLFetch Frequency: 1 Min.Emails Per Fetch: 30Fetched Emails: Move to folder: xyz

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