Hi,Can anyone here help me with the cron job part of oSticket? I am running the latest version and have followed so many dead ends, and truly out of date information, that really were more harm than good.Can some please give me the command to put into crontab? I have tried this on the command line :-/usr/bin/php /var/www/html/upload/api/cron.phpBut actually does nothing? Which was one suggestion I found in the forum. I am not a linux guru, but can normally stumpble my way around. I need to stick with Debian as I already have a server with a full lamp stack installed.osTicket is running nicely, it even sends email. I cannot use pipeline as the sending server is pretty closed as to what I can do with it.Regards Paul

Have you read the documentation?https://docs.osticket.com/en/latest/Getting%20Started/POP3-IMAP%20Settings.html

Yes, I have, that was my point, it assumes you know how to setup a cronjob with Osticket on a Debian server. Which I don't.Trying to work out where the php executable is, and also if the second part is correct to where the site is located.I have read the documents so many times, the problem is it assumes as do many of the post that you fully understand linux, which I don'tRegards Paul.

at a command prompt type in:     which phphit enter.  It will display your path to php (which will be /usr/bin/php)If you have more than one version of php installed you can specify paths to other versions.Google is mother.  Google is Father.  If I dont remember how to do something (like setting up a cron job) I google it.  Debian has a lot of good help pages.  This was the first one I found:https://debian-administration.org/article/56/Command_scheduling_with_cron

Hi, thanks for that. Was not aware of the which php command and first I have seen of it even after googling :-)Ok, next related question. Am I right in assuming that I can test the command on the command line?This is what I now have with your advice. /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/upload/api/cron.phpNothing seems to happen? I have followed through the install procedure for email, and does not mention any other steps?I assume that I may have to turn on debugging logging to get the answer? (That was a question :-) )Paul.

Did you configure the email in osTicket?Admin panel -> Emails -> Emails -> your emailIs Fetching EMail via IMAP or POP disabled in that email?Did enable you Admin panel -> Emails -> Email Fetching?

Yes, have configured the collection of email, it says it was successful, and I have managed to send email fine.This seems to be something to do with the script, and how I am attempting to run it and pull the email from the mail server. I have sent one send message that is sitting in the inbox.Is there a log I can enable to try and find out what it is attempting to do?Thanks Paul.

Please provide a screen shot of Admin panel -> Emails -> Settings.

Slaps head! you just knew I had set it wrong? Must be getting senile in my old age. Thank you so much for your patience on this. Guess who missed off the checkbox for fetching email on the admin / settings. I WRONGLY assumed that it was purely set in the user that collected the email.Thanks againPaul.

You're very welcome Paul!  Have a great weekend. :)I'll mark this thread as resolved and close the thread.  Please feel free to start a new thread if you have another issue, comment, concern, query, wonder. 

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