- Edited
Sorry for the late reply, i had a lot to do.
That looks like a server error to me. You could try to enable error reporting in php, to see if there are any programming errors. To enable that set
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 0);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
in main.inc.php
@kdeal108(first question), Crestmark
Up till V15, the mod fetched the clientdata (name, phone, etc) only the first time. After that osticket would fill those fields by itself with the data of the older tickets. That could lead to the behaviour you are experiencing. To check that, see if you have any tickets in your database with 'ldap_temporary' as subject and if they have an empty name.
You can test if the mod can get the contents of those fields with the ldap diagnostic page. Set the Field to 'givenname' and the username to the one, that has those problems. Then click on Test. you should get something like the following as an output if everything is set up correctly:
calling ldap_connect with: "" and port "389"
binding to ldap with "administrator@vpg.local" and his password
using the filter: "(&(sAMAccountName=ostclient))"
calling ldap_search with the domain: "DC=vpg,DC=local", the Filter: "(&(sAMAccountName=ostclient))" and the Attributes: "array("givenname")"
LDAP returned field data: "osticket"
Debug of function ldapGetEmail():
getting the email of user: "ostclient"
binding to ldap with "administrator@vpg.local" and his password
calling ldap_search with the domain: "DC=vpg,DC=local", the Filter: "(&(sAMAccountName=ostclient))" and the Attributes: "array("mail")"
LDAP returned field data: "ost.client@vpg.de"
Debug of function ldapGetUsernameFromEmail():
getting the user of email: "ost.client@vpg.de"
binding to ldap with "administrator@vpg.local" and his password
calling ldap_search with the domain: "DC=vpg,DC=local", the Filter: "(&(mail=ost.client@vpg.de))" and the Attributes: "array("samaccountname")"
LDAP returned field data: "ostclient"
The line LDAP returned field data: "osticket" is the important one here. ("osticket" is the given name of that user)
If you update to V15 and make sure that your ldap connection is set up correctly you should get everything populated.
@kdeal108(second question)
Currently you have to create a staff user (in osticket) with exactly the same username as the one in ldap, to allow them to log in with ldap credentials. That limits the users that can log in as staff. On client-side there is no limitation. To my knowledge there never was one. At least not in this mod.