Had this same problem, and managed to solve it by changing the contents of two files:
File 1:
Line: 79
Original content:
define ('SCHEMA_SIGNATURE', 'd959a00e55c75e0c903b9e37324fd25d') / / MD5 signature of the db schema. (used to trigger upgrades)
Content to correct the problem:
define ('SCHEMA_SIGNATURE' e85d0c8f8532e3b0be38e99aba07aa1 '9 ') / / MD5 signature of the db schema. (used to trigger upgrades)
File 2: setup/inc/sql/osTicket-mysql.sql.md5
Change the contents of the file to: 9e85d0c8f8532e3b0be38e99aba07aa1
And voila! I managed to finish my installation in good shape!