Version: 1.7.0

When trying to install and under the basic installation i'm receiving the error

Unknown or invalid schema signature (d959a00e55c75e0c903b9e37324fd25d .. 9e85d0c8f8532e3b0be38e99aba07aa1)

What's causing this and how do I go about resolving the issue?

Thanks in advance

Is this a 'new' installation or an 'upgrade'?

Hi, this is a fresh install of the software. I installed it previously on my local machine without issue but am now trying to put it on a windows server. I copied a freshly downloaded set of files across before beginning the install.

I managed to get around the issue by manually changing the md5 file it checks against the schema but this caused the main screen of the admin panel to be stuck telling me I can not upgrade even though it requires me to.

6 days later

I am having exactly the same problem here on my WAMP (v2.2E) environment. Would appreciate if we can look into this issue.

Using the following SQL script, I can pass the problem.

UPDATE ost_config

SET schema_signature = 'd959a00e55c75e0c903b9e37324fd25d'

WHERE schema_signature = '9e85d0c8f8532e3b0be38e99aba07aa1'

Still, curious about the problem.

a month later

I am having this same problem.

Version: 1.7.0

Unknown or invalid schema signature (d959a00e55c75e0c903b9e37324fd25d .. 9e85d0c8f8532e3b0be38e99aba07aa1)

Is there a fix for this or a workaround?

I've PMed Peter with this thread.

However so far no one seems to actually be including information about their setup that should be posted in every post to help us help you.

Server OS & Ver

Webserver & Ver



Here are my setup details:

Windows Server 2003 with IIS

PHP 4.4


Here are mine:

WampServer Version 2.2, 64-bit

Windows Server 2008 R2, 64-bit

Apache 2.2.22

PHP 5.3.13

MySQL 5.5.24

5 days later

We are installing the osticket for my company and are getting this error as well.

Have there been any negative effects from the bypass used?

Server OS: CentOS 5.7

Apache: 2.2.3

**PHP: 5.3.23**

**MySQL: 5.0.77**


We have since upgraded.

PHP: 5.3.25

MySQL: 5.5.31

Also, the devs contacted me instructing me not to use the workaround mentioned above.

20 days later

Thanks for reporting the issue!

There is an outstanding GitHub issue concerning this bug. Could someone installing this on WAMP checkout the GitHub branch and verify that it fixes the install/upgrade issue?

The pull request is at, and you can browse or download a zip-ball directly from



8 days later

Anything Yet?

Has there been any progress in resolving this issue? I was told when I contacted the Dev Team to allow 2-3 weeks and try contacting them again.

I waited 2.5 weeks and tried contacting them and am still waiting on a response.

I know about the GitHub article, but we are not using WAMP.

We are really in dire need of a ticket-system, and OSTicket appeared to be what we wanted. I even attempted to find a download for 1.6 ST to no avail.


Just change the content of the file:

\setup\inc\sql\osTicket-mysql.sql.md5 with the signature you see in the message.

Re: Solution

Is there any drawback to doing so? My boss just wants to make sure that we are not opening up any vulnerabilities in doing so.

Is there any drawback to doing so? My boss just wants to make sure that we are not opening up any vulnerabilities in doing so.

There are 3 more files you have to edit (search and replace):




there is now drawback in doing so, it's only a calculated md5 string.

In the near future you have to be aware of this number in case of upgrading to a newer version, but in the meantime there is no drawback.


Thank you for the help. Looking forward to starting work on this.

a month later


Had this same problem, and managed to solve it by changing the contents of two files:

File 1:

Line: 79

Original content:

define ('SCHEMA_SIGNATURE', 'd959a00e55c75e0c903b9e37324fd25d') / / MD5 signature of the db schema. (used to trigger upgrades)

Content to correct the problem:

define ('SCHEMA_SIGNATURE' e85d0c8f8532e3b0be38e99aba07aa1 '9 ') / / MD5 signature of the db schema. (used to trigger upgrades)

File 2: setup/inc/sql/osTicket-mysql.sql.md5

Change the contents of the file to: 9e85d0c8f8532e3b0be38e99aba07aa1

And voila! I managed to finish my installation in good shape!

6 years later

Solution for v1.10 and v1.12:

There are no more files mentioned above... ?

You have to change two files:

There are three (but only two are important, one commented) values of bad signature and it is needed to be replaced by the new one.

In the "core.sig" is only the signature, so it is easy to rewrite it.
In the *.patch.sql file are the signatures on the second line (in comment only) and at the second line from below (SET value = ...)

Then you can click to Install button again, and everything is nice and clear. :-)

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