Buenos días, cuando el cliente crea un una solicitud y recibe un correo, necesito que exactamente ese mismo correo me llegue a un correo predeterminado.Osea cliente crea ticket y le llega el correo ayyyy@[deleted]mientras que yo debo recibir exactamente el mismo correo encontacto@miempresa.com

Good morning, when the client creates a request and receives an email, I need exactly that same mail to reach a predetermined email.The client creates a ticket and the mail arrivesyyyy@xxxx.comwhereas I must receive exactly the same mail incontacto@miempresa.comI think that to do this you would either:set up organizations, and add an Agent account for the address and add them as the acccount manager in the organization.  Or a user account and add them as a Primary contact to the Org.Or add the person as a collaborator to an existing ticket.

Go to: on Agent panel -> Users -> OrganizationsClick on the org nameClick on the org name again.Click Settings Tab

Y llega una copia de lo que le llega al usuario?En el último paso no me aparece setting

Se puede configurar en un archivo de file.php, que ademas del correo del yyyy@xxxx.com, también ese correo llegue a  contacto@miempresa.com

And a copy of what comes to the user arrives?

In the last step I do not appear settingI think so. They can at least log in and see the ticket.It can be configured in a php file, that in addition to the mail of yyyy@xxxx.com, that mail also reachesThis doesn't appear to be a question, so I'm unsure what you are looking for.

I need the administrator to get a copy of the email that came to the userIs it possible to configure some file.php so that in addition to reaching the user the copy reaches the admin?

Try doing what I suggested and see if it works.

You could try making a ticket filter to do it. (never tried)Other wise can you do this at the mailserver level?

Is there a file in the registry that loads the client mail variable?I plan to post my company's email there

Is this an osTicket question...?  Because that sounds like a Windows question.

I'm sorry, email is a variable that goes to a function that sends mail.in what file is that shipment made?

I think its at include/class.mailer.php

XD where?<?php/*********************************************************************    class.mailer.php    osTicket mailer    It's mainly PEAR MAIL wrapper for now (more improvements planned).    Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>    Copyright (c)  2006-2013 osTicket    http://www.osticket.com    Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.    See LICENSE.TXT for details.    vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:**********************************************************************/    /******* Static functions ************/    //Emails using native php mail function - if DB connection doesn't exist.    //Don't use this function if you can help it.    function sendmail($to, $subject, $message, $from) {        $mailer = new Mailer(null, array('notice'=>true, 'nobounce'=>true));        $mailer->setFromAddress($from);        return $mailer->send($to, $subject, $message);    }}?>

/include/class.ticket.phpline: 1357 is where it sends the email to the user (client)

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