Hi,I created a user. This one received an account activation email.1 - The contact information is displayed twice. I want it to appear only once, only with the information that administration has placed and that the user can not edit2 - When viewing the user in the Administration Panel, does the contact information also appear twice?Thanks

Please help us to help you by reading and following the posting guidelines located in this thread: Please read before requesting assistance.  The more information you give us the better we will be able to assist you. Thank you.You have not given us any meaningful information to assist you.Such as:screen shots of admin panel?screen shot of where information appears twice?version of osTicket?version of PHP?version of weberver software?

Hi,OK,Follow the informations:osTicket Version 1.10.1PHP: 5.6.30Access via firefox: 59.0.2 (32-bit)


Hi,and this is the profile picture


imageImage does not load


Looks to me like you have duplicate forms.Admin panel -> Dashboard -> Information?Admin panel -> Manage -> Forms whats there?

hi,Control panel is all ok. Only this appears:APCu Improves overall performanceZend Opcache Improves overall performanceForms:Integrated Forms Last UpdatedTask Details 2018-04-01 16Company Info 2014-07-03 18Company Info - Send Profile 2014-07-03 18Ticket Details 2014-07-03 18Contact Information 2014-07-03 18

@[deleted]It appears that you either modified the code, something went wrong during installation, or something else really crazy.1.) Have you modified the codebase?2.) When did you install osTicket and when did this start happening?3.) Do you see any errors in your PHP/Apache error logs?Once we get more information we can better help your.Cheers.

Hi,1 - No. I just upgraded

version 1.9 to 1.10 and during the upgrade there was no error or power

failure that could cause any instability.2 - Appeared as soon as I entered the first contact3 - no php / apache error

Hi,Sorry, ntozierThankskklo

Imagem 04-03-18 at 09.58 PM.PNG

Hi, ntozierI reinstalled and solved problemYou can close the topic

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